Working Toward a Goal

I’ve rarely worked toward a goal/deadline in my painting life.
(I do it all the time in my working life, above.)
That is, there is a desired result at the end for a “client,” here, as.
I am creating a series of images to raise monies to restore properties in need.
It has a very different feel to it, both in the choosing of the images
(in this case, historic images) and how I approach them.

I want to let go and simply see the subjects and respond;
Deadlines can be motivating or distracting….

I started with the most difficult subject for me,
especially as I tend to paint brightly colored or urban images:
Upper Sandy Guard Station Cabin, built in 1935.
It was chosen as one of Seven Endangered Places in 2014.

When approaching a deadline, I’ve always been a
get-the-hardest-part-out-of-the-way gurl.

I began with a pencil sketch that sat for the longest time because I simply had
no way into this subject matter… wood and stone and forest oh my… reference photos:

W16 8 RO Upper Sandy Guard Station 012Then I bought the loveliest ink, De Atramentis Tobacco ink, which moves into your watercolors and is the sweetest brown and smells like the pipe that might have been smoked in this cabin.
I had my way into the image.
I began playing with the watercolors that I saw in the reference photos, and saw lichen and quin gold and diopside and peimonite and pipestone and hematite, all mixed into the tobacco ink!

I inked the moveable Tobacco, and a few hard lines in
De Atramentis Document Brown ink (waterproof).

W16 8 RO Upper Sandy Guard Station 001I began watercolors, and from time to time I worked back and forth between
tobacco ink and watercolor, stopping to make forever a line in permanent ink.

W16 8 RO Upper Sandy Guard Station 008

These images are donated to raise money for restoration!

Strathmore or Fluid Cold Press watercolor papers, with a Pentalic 2B woodless pencil,
Noodler’s or Pilot pen with De Atramentis Tobacco ink,
Platinum Carbon pen with De Atramentis Document Brown ink; watercolor pencils;
Sennelier, Holbein, QoR, M.Graham, and Daniel Smith watercolors.

 ©D. Katie Powell.
My images/blog posts may be reposted; please link back  to dkatiepowellart.

About dkatiepowellart

hollywood baby turned beach gurl turned steel&glass city gurl turned cowgurl turned herb gurl turned green city gurl. . . artist writer photographer. . . cat lover but misses our big dogs, gone to heaven. . . buddhist and interested in the study of spiritual traditions. . . foodie, organic, lover of all things mik, partner in conservation business mpfconservation, consummate blogger, making a dream happen, insomniac who is either reading buddhist teachings or not-so-bloody mysteries or autobio journal thangs early in the morning when i can't sleep
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20 Responses to Working Toward a Goal

  1. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Wong Laundry Building, Portland, Oregon | D.Katie Powell Art

  2. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Uppertown Net Loft, Astoria, Oregon | D.Katie Powell Art

  3. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Rivoli Theater | D.Katie Powell Art

  4. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Fort Rock | D.Katie Powell Art

  5. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Janzten Beach Carousel 1, Chinese Water Serpent | D.Katie Powell Art

  6. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Janzten Beach Carousel 2, Grapes | D.Katie Powell Art

  7. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Janzten Beach Carousel 3, Floral | D.Katie Powell Art

  8. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Jantzen Beach Carousel 3, Floral | D.Katie Powell Art

  9. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Jantzen Beach Carousel 4, Pinto Fishing | D.Katie Powell Art

  10. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Jantzen Beach Carousel 5, Eagle | D.Katie Powell Art

  11. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Jantzen Beach Carousel 6, Roman | D.Katie Powell Art

  12. Pingback: Restore Oregon: EOU Inlow Hall’s Grand Staircase, La Grande, Oregon | D.Katie Powell Art

  13. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Lindberg House | D.Katie Powell Art

  14. Pingback: Restore Oregon: The Oregon Caves Historic District | D.Katie Powell Art

  15. Pingback: Janzten Beach Carousel 2, Grapes | D.Katie Powell Art

  16. Pingback: Jantzen Beach Carousel 3, Floral | D.Katie Powell Art

  17. Pingback: Restore Oregon: Jantzen Beach Carousel 4, Pinto Fishing | D.Katie Powell Art

  18. Pingback: Jantzen Beach Carousel 5, Eagle | D.Katie Powell Art

  19. Pingback: Jantzen Beach Carousel 6, Roman | D.Katie Powell Art

  20. Pingback: Fort Rock | D.Katie Powell Art

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