Sketchpack 2015

My first year doing the Sketchpack Challenge,
I choose to sketch tools in our business as the theme.

Fun time sketching things around the studio!

W15 8 16 CK STICKLEY UPHOLSTERY1Mitchell spitting tacks!

ABOUT SKETCHPACK PROJECT: The project began in 2011 to get folks to draw daily.
The sketchpack is a small zigzag journal with two usable sides, allowing one to sketch on both sides of 15 ‘pages’ to complete the month of August. There was much enthusiasm and the project is now repeated yearly in August, with a Facebook page for us to share as we go along.
(The page is closed for viewing but you can join to play along!)
There is an Exhibition held in October at the Artsauce Studio in
Cape Town, South Africa of mostly local Sketchpacks!

w15 sketchpack opening ©D. Katie Powell.
My images/blog posts may be reposted; please link back  to dkatiepowellart.