Sketchpack Project 2021

In years past I’ve created pretty sketch books during the Sketchpack Project,
But this year I wanted to push myself to work on something difficult for me.
This meant choosing a paper that would challenge me,
and my goal was to perhaps get a better understanding of watercolors…
(To see other years you go here!)

I created an accordion booklet from heavy unsized watercolor paper,
which I’ve had for a long time and am very uncomfortable using.

The idea was to use brushes only, watercolor or inks, no linework!
Taking away my beloved lines, my life raft! I wanted to see what I’d learn…

At this point I can tell you I was ready to throw in the towel.
Seriously, not liking this no sketching, no linework at all.
I am used to crisp lines, inked lines, pencil lines, love lines, love pencil, love ink.


What was I thinking?
Should I change and either size the paper or do linework?

No.  I persisted, unhappy and willing to see what I would learn.

For commentary week by week, refer to the earlier posts:
Week 1, go here;
Week 2, go here;
Week 3, go here.

I am not sending mine off to be displayed in Capetown, South Africa, run by the talented Di Metcalf.
ABOUT SKETCHPACK PROJECT: The project began in 2011 to get folks to draw daily. The sketchpack is a small zigzag journal with two usable sides, allowing one to sketch on both sides of 15 ‘pages’ to complete the month of August. There was much enthusiasm and the project is now repeated yearly in August, with a Facebook page for us to share as we go along.  (The page is closed for viewing but you can join to play along!)  There is an Exhibition held in October at the Artsauce Studio in Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa of mostly local Sketchpacks!

w15 sketchpack opening

To hear about classes, follow me on Instagram, Facebook
or check out my new, improved