April is International Fake Journal Month

BostonFAKERectangle200If Roz Stendahl has taught me anything it is that
you can make up a Thing for  Month and declare it
and before long people will believe It Is So.
April is International Fake Journal Month
(IFJM, for the cool kids.)

This is my first year participating.  Last year I was well into the A to Z challenge and found Roz and wished
I’d seen this, because it is right up my alley.
For one month, I will be journaling as another character doing something completely FAKE. The only way you will know is the beginning of my blog posts will be labeled:

“IFJM: April Fool’s Day” (or whatever day it is).

After that, there will be no clue — I will write and make art as if I am that person
doing THAT thing!  You can do it too.  It’s not too late.  You can do art or write
(so no pressure if you are not an artist), and for those of you who want to do A to Z you can also incorporate this into that!  Find out all about IFJM!  Don’t be intimidated just because some folks are artists — some are not and they have a blast!  You writers can doodle if you think you can’t make art (I’m thinking of Sammy and Daniel . . . )  Come play with us!

BTW, if you don’t have a blog you can also post through Facebook on the IFJM page!

2015_IFJM_Button3_200The theme or catch phrase this year is:considered truths

I will be using a moleskin, my first moleskin (so good for travel) and using a Pentalic  woodless pencil, Platinum Carbon pens, other pens with whatever ink I can find along the road, and Daniel Smith watercolors — when I can.  It’s hard traveling with all that gear!  (HINT.  HINT.)

Eventually my entire month will be put onto a separate page, but for now the pages will stand alone as if it were me.  Which it is.  Kinda sorta!  I am out the door to buy my tickets!  (HINT.  HINT.)

Gads this is like playing as a child! SO FUN!

Note: Roz Stendahl’s normal blog is Roz Wound Up.
You should visit.  She’s a great blogger!


All my International Fake Journal Month posting are copyrighted.
It is unusual for me to not do Creative Commons but there is a reason.
My images/blog posts may be reposted; please link back to dkatiepowellart.

About dkatiepowellart

hollywood baby turned beach gurl turned steel&glass city gurl turned cowgurl turned herb gurl turned green city gurl. . . artist writer photographer. . . cat lover but misses our big dogs, gone to heaven. . . buddhist and interested in the study of spiritual traditions. . . foodie, organic, lover of all things mik, partner in conservation business mpfconservation, consummate blogger, making a dream happen, insomniac who is either reading buddhist teachings or not-so-bloody mysteries or autobio journal thangs early in the morning when i can't sleep
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10 Responses to April is International Fake Journal Month

  1. This sounds like a lot of fun! A good way to do some character development, if you’re interested in any fictional stuff. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Sammy D. says:

    Wow, Katie, does this sound like fun! I could totally get into an alter ego art journal. I’m going to give it some thought, and will do one even if I don’t participate online. Right now I’m doing lots of reading, writing and art but not posting – having too many neck/cervical problems to work at computer. Reading and commenting is easy. Wrestling with WordPress through its many bugs and snafus to get posts completed is not.


  3. Who is that masked woman? 😀


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