SoCS: Our Country

I  journal and do morning stream of consciousness exercises, and
I’m again participating in Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday
I write to a timer, 15-20 minutes, no editing except spelling, and of course I add my art!
You can do it too!
The Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “adverb.”
Any adverb will do!  GO!

Note: I always hated adverb discussions… I find them so confusing.
Adverbs versus adjectives.  I had to look it up!
And still for some reason, find the whole damn thing confusing.
I bolded what I THINK are adverbs…. Toughy!

These days I ponder our brilliant Constitution and how it is being trampled on daily by people who stupidly follow this leader and his cronies to a place I fear may end us.

I fervently pray that people wake up.
This is not partisan, as I come from a divided family, yet they are a family that is truly patriotic and loves our country and our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Frighteningly, it seems most people do not know the laws of our land, and why they’ve worked to keep peace between disparate peoples… and we are a mixed bag, we Americans.  We do not agree on so many things, but we used to come together over
the big things, and certainly our laws helped us because
we believed in due process, in the Balance of Power.

We’ve lost our Balance of Power because we’ve lost out Fourth Estate to corporatism…
and we may end up losing our country to stupidity.

I fear this isn’t going to end well.

For the rules, go to Linda’s blog;  feel free to join the fun!

About dkatiepowellart

hollywood baby turned beach gurl turned steel&glass city gurl turned cowgurl turned herb gurl turned green city gurl. . . artist writer photographer. . . cat lover but misses our big dogs, gone to heaven. . . buddhist and interested in the study of spiritual traditions. . . foodie, organic, lover of all things mik, partner in conservation business mpfconservation, consummate blogger, making a dream happen, insomniac who is either reading buddhist teachings or not-so-bloody mysteries or autobio journal thangs early in the morning when i can't sleep
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8 Responses to SoCS: Our Country

  1. soappen says:

    I an so afraid we will go the way of Turkey, Venezuela, Russia, ect. It is a perilous time for the US.


  2. Dan Antion says:

    Nicely done Kate. I had to look it up, too.


  3. dweezer19 says:

    Great job, Kate. Well said.


  4. joey says:

    Such a good piece. May I salute you? Well done.


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