My “Business” Sketchbook: Webbing Stretchers

W15 1 3 AJW WEBBING STRETCHERS 2My commitment to documenting the upholstery studio is ongoing;
a challenge prompted this watercolor sketch.
I said no more challenges but this list is too much fun.

I chose Mitchell’s webbing stretchers because they happened to be setting
on his workbench and the difference in the two hand tools which do the exact
same thing was notable.  Webbing stretchers pull jute and hemp webbing taut to
support seats and backs and arms in upholstered objects.

The bottom one pulls the best, because the sharp teeth can lock and pull new webbing, below.  When pulling on antique webbing during conservation treatment of museum pieces, you choose the top stretcher, which is gentler on old webbing and also, museum pieces usually don’t have to be pulled quite as taut because they are not sat upon.

Drawings and watercolors completed onsite in MPF Conservation’s studio.
Images in Stillman & Birn Delta journal with watercolor pencil, a Preppie pen with Lexington Grey Noodler’s ink, and Daniel Smith watercolor paints.


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About dkatiepowellart

hollywood baby turned beach gurl turned steel&glass city gurl turned cowgurl turned herb gurl turned green city gurl. . . artist writer photographer. . . cat lover but misses our big dogs, gone to heaven. . . buddhist and interested in the study of spiritual traditions. . . foodie, organic, lover of all things mik, partner in conservation business mpfconservation, consummate blogger, making a dream happen, insomniac who is either reading buddhist teachings or not-so-bloody mysteries or autobio journal thangs early in the morning when i can't sleep
This entry was posted in art journal, challenge, drawing, furniture, journal, making a living, painting, pen & ink, sketchbook, urban sketchers, watercolor and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to My “Business” Sketchbook: Webbing Stretchers

  1. Reblogged this on Mpfconservation's Blog and commented:

    My commitment to painting the studio objects continues!


  2. Ilona says:

    Katie, this is a fantastic post! 😀 I love your illustration of the tools and the use they are put to! So interesting to me 🙂
    I’m a tailor trained in the traditional way in Germany, so I’ve sat on a table stitching buttonholes and seams and collars by hand. Therefore I appreciate any kind of kraft!
    Happy PPF


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