Prayer Flags in the Wind

Originally posted on zenkatwrites.

Prayer flags begin as we do,
bright colors, full of the promise, like wishes on a dandelion.
People notice them, cheered by their vibrancy.
They oh-so-quickly fade, and begin to tatter here and there.
Many people take them down when they reach this stage,
unattractive as they are. . .

This is when they prayer force is vital,
as they should be hung until they tatter,
until all possible prayer-life-force is gone,
and the birds pull threads floating in the wind to line their nests,
and finally, the grey squirrel comes and steals them to warm her babies,
stuffing her cheeks fat as walnuts, busy busy, darting here and there, eyeing you,
giving you the gift of laughter, revitalizing!

This poem was written to thank my dear artist and writer friend whom I have never met, Susanissima, writing for NaPoWriMo.  I am and will read every one of her poems, and because I am doing this I am learning to enjoy poetry, one day at a time.   I haven’t written a poem since I was in high school, reading Rod McKuen and Kenneth Patchen and dreaming of true love and tragedy.  But this week I wrote two!


Update:  Due to requests, I decided to create various greeting and post cards from the Prayer Flag:  You can find it here on Redbubble!

prayer flag papergc,441x415,w,ffffff.2u4


I am now agreeing to the  Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License, which you can learn more about by visiting the site, or, visit my web page for a more user-friendly summary on my terms.  My images/blog posts can be reposted; please link back to Dkatiepowellart .

About dkatiepowellart

hollywood baby turned beach gurl turned steel&glass city gurl turned cowgurl turned herb gurl turned green city gurl. . . artist writer photographer. . . cat lover but misses our big dogs, gone to heaven. . . buddhist and interested in the study of spiritual traditions. . . foodie, organic, lover of all things mik, partner in conservation business mpfconservation, consummate blogger, making a dream happen, insomniac who is either reading buddhist teachings or not-so-bloody mysteries or autobio journal thangs early in the morning when i can't sleep
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15 Responses to Prayer Flags in the Wind

  1. susanissima says:

    What a precious poem, Katie, and what an honor to have inspired the poet in you. I couldn’t be more pleased! With your permission I will reblog this post. Thank you!


  2. susanissima says:

    Reblogged this on Still Life with Tortillas and commented: has been a daily inspiration since we first met on SheWrites and I’m just delighted to discover that, in addition to producing amazing art, she is a spectacular poet! I’m thrilled to share her latest poem and art with you. Thanks, Katie!


  3. What a beautiful image and thoughtful words!


  4. This is such a wonderful post, thank you


  5. This was so beautiful! You are a wonderful writer!


  6. denthe says:

    Beautiful painting and beautiful words …


  7. I really like the transparency of your painting!


  8. happytiler says:

    Beautiful art, poem and sentiment!!

    Hugs Giggles


  9. Tam Hess says:

    Oh how gorgeous, words and work. Especially the work, for me! OH WOW, I’m inspired. I will get out my watercolors and play today!! I love the translucent washes and soft delicate clothes, so GOOD!!

    Happy PPF
    Happy Easter!


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