Killing Winter with Orange

I had the very nicest favor done to me —
A friend sent me the TWSBI I’ve wanted the most!  ORANGE!
Not sold in the USA!!!!
Nice that the Japanese postal service color coordinated their package with my pen!
I really love these crazy TWSBIs… they hold a huge amount of ink.
It is unusual for me to buy so many pens in a short time but they come and go —
you have to get the colors while you can.

I filled it with two samples of Robert Oster mixed —
Orange Zest and Orange, both of which I want!
Using up samples in this way is fun and I get colorful entries in my work journal.

This winter has gotten to me.  I’ve never wanted winter end so much.
The constant threat of snow storms from NOAA, our ever-changing schedule…
And so dang cold!  So I can get behind “killwinterwithorange, popular this year.

The last year I’ve had lovely warm-colored pens come into my life,
from the TWSBI to the Diplomat to the Edison Collier.
*last two from my sweet husband*

I love drawing pens… They are a technical exercise
and take me back to Big Daddy Ed Bowen’s high school drafting classes,
except I loosen them up — but still want to get the parts right!

I am a huge fan of ORANGE, and had not even realized how many orange pens
I’ve collected, especially if you include the lovely rose golds!
I am not a snob… my pens range from $3 to $160 (gift),
but most fall into the under $40 category.  Happy colors!
*before you ask, left to right: TWSBI, Pilot Metropolitan, 2 Lamy‘s, Edison Collier,
2 Fountain Pen Revoltions (I will write about the Himalyan when my ink arrives),
a Knox for Mitchell, and 2 Jinhaos.


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About dkatiepowellart

hollywood baby turned beach gurl turned steel&glass city gurl turned cowgurl turned herb gurl turned green city gurl. . . artist writer photographer. . . cat lover but misses our big dogs, gone to heaven. . . buddhist and interested in the study of spiritual traditions. . . foodie, organic, lover of all things mik, partner in conservation business mpfconservation, consummate blogger, making a dream happen, insomniac who is either reading buddhist teachings or not-so-bloody mysteries or autobio journal thangs early in the morning when i can't sleep
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8 Responses to Killing Winter with Orange

  1. Heide says:

    What a thoughtful gift your friend sent you — and what a lovely treat it is to see your sketches of your favorite pens and nibs! Although usually the expression is, “I hope everything comes up roses,” in your case I hope everything soon comes up oranges. 🙂


  2. I always love your portraits of pens. I did not know there was a movement to fight off winter’s woes with orange but, by coincidence, I have been working in the orange section of my Rainbow Art Journal so I’ve been participating without knowing it. Would the new Lamy Al-Star bronze chime with your fondness for orange fountain pens? I have a number of Lamys and was tempted to get the bronze, since I don’t have a pen in that colour range, but I cannot justify even that small splurge right now so I am resisting – for now.


    • Thank you — I love drawing them!
      The bronze isn’t catching me. I have the Rose Gold LX and that I love, and I have the older bright cinnamon color. So the bronze is kinda doing a “meh” for me.
      But wait… I have another orange pen coming that will knock your socks off!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I look forward to seeing the new pen. I’m the same with the bronze. I’m tempted but find I can resist easily so I’m not going to get it. I realized the temptation really comes from the fact I match my pens with inks and it would “justify” me buying some bronze/copper/gold inks but I think I’ve decided on buying a cheap demonstrator and then buying shimmery and shiny inks. I too have the rise gold LX and it’s my everyday pen, filled with black ink.


  3. loisajay says:

    This post was as happy as the color orange is!


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