Sketchpack Project: Week Two

ABOUT SKETCHPACK: The project began in 2011. The original idea was to get folks to draw daily. The Sketchpack is a small zigzag journal with two usable sides, allowing one to sketch on both sides of 15 ‘pages’ to complete the month of August. There was much enthusiasm and the project is now repeated yearly in August, with a Facebook page for us to share as we go along.  (The page is closed once the sketching begins, so if you would like to do it next year you need to check out the pages in June or July.)  There is an Exhibition held in October filling all four windows of the Artsauce Studio in Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa of mostly locals Sketchpacks!

This week I did several days in one so that the long skinny items
would not be so itty-bitty that they had no definition.

2015 8 SKETCHPACK PROJECT 008 0102015 8 SKETCHPACK PROJECT 008 010 copy
A regulating needle it a very long thick needle with a sharp point
(but not like a sewing needle sharp) and would make a good weapon!

My Sanding Stick is the best invention.
It makes it much easier to remove just one little area for touch-up.

Some are Mitchell’s tools exclusively, and some we share.
I never touch the Sewing Gauge.  I hand sew!

Mitchell is the one who uses the Magic Writing tool:
Chew on it and it magically solves all your problems!

Part of working is taking breaks.  I paint, Mitchell plays his guitar.

I love painting with inks.  LOVE it!


Gads what would the studio be without threads. We have a wall of huge spools that Mitchell uses on the machines, and two bins of tiny spools and treasure trove of very old threads given to us by a nurse whose patient was dying — a very old seamstress. Her old threads have saved the day many times when we needed an older color 100% cotton thread. It is difficult to match the original colors, faded to be what they are today if they are seen.  This is one of the most difficult jobs, matching threads!

I tend to do the hand-sewing; Mitchell uses machines.

We have to use historically compatible threads, and so, rarely use polyester threads.
Silk, Cotton, linen, rayon — this is more typical.

Leather tools, in this case, a hand-held hole punch which couples with a small hammer and you tap-tap-tap the holes.  Simple and effective.  And sinew for lacing,
which, when I use for making leather bags I usually bead over.
We also have this huge hand-held contraption that but getting it on a teeny page would be a chore — and frankly, even Mitchell tend to use the small easy simple tools!
The punch has removable tips.  I could do several pages on leather tools alone!

How much chalk could a chalk chuck chuck if a chalk chuck could chuck chalk?
Another beautiful tool.  Keeps you from putting chalk all over fabrics!

How nice that they made chalk chuck’s colorful!

Drawn on an unknown paper itty-bitty folding journal with (mostly)
the fine point Platinum Carbon pen and Daniel Smith watercolors.


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About dkatiepowellart

hollywood baby turned beach gurl turned steel&glass city gurl turned cowgurl turned herb gurl turned green city gurl. . . artist writer photographer. . . cat lover but misses our big dogs, gone to heaven. . . buddhist and interested in the study of spiritual traditions. . . foodie, organic, lover of all things mik, partner in conservation business mpfconservation, consummate blogger, making a dream happen, insomniac who is either reading buddhist teachings or not-so-bloody mysteries or autobio journal thangs early in the morning when i can't sleep
This entry was posted in art journal, challenge, making a living, painting, pen & ink, sketchbook, watercolor and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Sketchpack Project: Week Two

  1. Kim says:

    Hi Katie…The sewing gauge “hole” is actually a slot for a slider that can be set to keep a seam or hem even as the fabric is folded over the gauge and pinned. It also has a use in knitting but I’m not a knitter. I put a photo of mine with the slider on Flickr if you want to look.


    • Kim thank you so much! I am trying to write these based on my knowledge alone (especially as I am drawing them while my husband and business partner sleeps!), and he is the tailor/upholsterer in the business and also told me what it was tho’ he could not find the missing part! I see you are also an artist. . .


  2. susanissima says:

    Katie, some of your best work! Love learning about your tools and process.


  3. Sammy D. says:

    Great post; so informative you little chalk chucker 😘


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